Never Forgotten


Never Forgotten is a Christian Piano-Rock band from Charlton MA. They have been serving the local New England area for the past 10 years. They started off as a youth-group worship team but have slowly changed into a band that writes their own originals. They are a band on a mission to encourage believers with the truth. They play many styles and love to adapt to the needs of those they are serving. They are currently touring the New England area, playing their original music at churches and Coffee Houses.

The band consists of: Jordan Heersink who plays the keys, sings and writes the Songs. Nathan Doe is on the drums, and Dan Barrows plays bass guitar and sings as well. The band has a real passion for serving the community through their music and thoroughly enjoys playing their music for the anyone who is willing to listen!

FECH ARCHIVE VIDEOS  [CLICK the DATE to OPEN the Facebook Video]

DATE            TIME       DESCRIPTION

2023-11-11  01:27:56  Never Forgotten


The Fire Escape, 159 Washington Street, Weymouth, MA 02188, TEL: (781) 888-2126

Hosted by: Worthy of Praise, 3300 Octavia Street, Raleigh, NC 27606, TEL: (919) 233-1770

© 2022 Fire Escape Ministries, Inc.